The following keyboard shortcuts automate some of these tasks – some you probably already know, but take a look. Move to the last cell on a worksheet, to the lowest used row of the rightmost used column. Jump to Category Insert current date, Ctrl, Insert current time, CtrlShift: Fill down from cell above, CtrlD D Fill right from cell left, CtrlR. If the cells are blank, move to the last cell in the row or column. Although most users will use the mouse to apply and remove filtering. Master navigation in cells, formatting cells, and more in this time-saving keyboard shortcuts template for Excel.

Get the most out of Excel in Windows and learn pro tips using this free Excel shortcuts template. We’re constantly entering something into a sheet. Enter the End mode, move to the next nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell, and turn off End mode. Try out these great Microsoft Excel shortcuts for filtering lists and tables. Save time and conquer the spreadsheet with these 50 Excel keyboard shortcuts template.

Keyboard Shortcuts Mouse Shortcuts Go to the Excel Shortcuts page for an interactive list, and to get the file. Ctrl + + lets you add a row while Ctrl + deletes the row. Inserting content into an Excel sheet is a constant function for most of us. Here are some time-saving Microsoft Excel shortcuts to use when youre entering data. Ctrl+ +, Ctrl + -: One main reason to select a row or column is to add another one next to it or to delete the row. These handy Microsoft excel shortcuts will help you enter data, create names, and complete functions easier and more efficiently once you start using them regularly. There are broadly two types of keyboard shortcuts in Excel, shortcuts that directly access the ribbon commands, and then shortcuts that dont. A cheatsheet of Excel shortcuts that make inserting data faster